artist management services
So Ridiculous Music Group gives their clients the tools to build a future in the music industry. Consult with a SRMG rep today to build your music career plan that best fits your needs. So Ridiculous Music Group prides their self in knowledge of some of the most vetted and respected music professionals in the industry today.
Our services are 100% comprehensive and is tailored to meet the need of any of our clients. Artist Management Services includes "Artist Development, step-by-step administration, Social Media Management, Radio Promo, Music Marketing, and public relations.

Artist services
Artist Development is an essential part of an artist's creative career. In the golden days (i.e. after Elvis, before the Internet) record labels would offer the first contract a devlopment deal to the artist before they would ever see a record deal. This Artist Development deal was considered a promise ring to an artist that they would see a record deal by the time the development contract was up.
But now its 2021 what does that mean for you?
It means thanks to technology and our intelligence as humans we have a whole lot of D.I.Y. built into us, but what does that also mean for you as a bombarded artist. It means that you have a whole lot to do with such short time to do it. And that's exactly where we come in. When we say we offer Artist Development deals we like to mean that we offer our time, effort, and investment into you as a music creative. With our industry resources and online tools we use for marketing we work with our clients to strategically place them on the best path for them to benefit from their creative work and that is where we offer two kinds of artist development deals.
Contract Devlopment
Consult with an S.R.M.G. representative to discuss details regarding our contract development opportunity. Each Artist Development requests are different and we work with our clients on case by case basis.
Contact So Ridiculous Music Group to book a Contract Development consultation.
Month To Month Development
Our month to month development is a more of an adjustable route for artists who don't want to be bound by a year contract, at the beginning of the month (the 1st) our team and you will book an hourly consultation with you to strategize a game plan for the weeks to come. The contract that is offered will be the terms you set on what you would like developed in your creative career. Based off the demands for the monthly contact will be what is paid upfront for the services that So Ridiculous Music Group will render.
Contact So Ridiculous Music Group to book a Month to Month Development consultation.